In this thematic, America sees the birth of its "teens" and a new American society. A new section of the population, lively and protesting, teenagers find a place between children and adults.
They define their own codes, invent their own language and their mode of consumption.
Meanwhile, the Bronx sees the birth of gangs, the bourgeoisie is under sunny Miami, the Vietnam War divides society, and New York is transformed under the lens of Henri Dauman's camera.
The face of the politician changes.
He becomes a media character, playing with his confident physique, always in representation: political supermans.
John and Jackie Kennedy from life to death, Nikita Khrushchev, star of the Cold War, The Young Wolves of American Politics but also the uprisings for civil rights are on the front pages of magazines like LIFE and Newsweek.

This exhibition can be reduced and adapted as needed.
It includes between 80 and 120 artworks and documents.
The room should be 860 sq ft (80m2) to 1300 sq ft (120 m2).
Vintage documents available.
Documents for touch screens available.
Thematic videos available.
Room texts: available FR / ENG
Biographical panel: available